Sunday, January 21, 2007
My New Computer,

Well, the SpongeBob explosion seemed to kill my computer, and thanks to Future Shops "Don't pay for a year plan" I have a new computer now,, woo hoo,,, see the picture, as what post would be complete without a picture?
Friday, January 19, 2007
Sponge Bob....

I rebooted my computer a week ago and there was this loud bang and cracking noise from my computer,, I opened up the side thinking something had gotten into one of my many fans, but everything looked ok, 3 days later I decided I was going to burn a CD, so I popped my CD Burner drive open to find the shattered remains of a Sponge Bob game, "Operation Crabby Patty".. luckily I also have a DVD drive so I can still play games, I tried to recover all the pieces but I fear there are some lost inside forever, I did shake it to get quite a few bits to fall out,,,
Then I went to work, like a CSI investigator to re assemble the evidence,, not that it would do me any good but it makes a good picture,
The drive appears to be useless now, it won't read CDs or burn any.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
SAS Jeep,

I looked at my last few posts, and most of them are about consumer electronics,,, so in keeping wih the title of the site, I present to you my British Desert SAS Jeep with the addition of a .50 calibre machine gun,,,
Friday, January 05, 2007
ExpressVu HD-PVR 9200

Ok, our remote died for our tired old 3100 ExpressVu receiver and after looking into a replacement we thought for the price why don't we just rent that fancy new HD PVR receiver and actually make use of our HDTV! Another bonus is recording shows and not needing tapes.
Although I can't seem to record on the VCR anymore but it does play, but I assume it is just a connector is plugged in somewhere wrong. Of course when the guy was there I didn't check how anything else worked and after he left I had a few tense moments trying to get the sound all set up, The TV sound played as well as anything else that was on, making it a little confusing,
I am sure I will discover more problems, but for now it works great, and the HD channels look very good, The problems I hope will just be in the configuration of how everything is hooked up, ha ha,, anyways, here is a picture!