Monday, August 01, 2005


E-Test madness.

My Birthday is coming up, thankyou, thankyou, anyways. I get a "Birthday card" from the Ministry of Transportation, I need my new sticker and I need a E-Test.

Well, I take my trusty old truck in, a 92 Explorer, and they tell me it has a exaust leak and can't even be tested, and they estimate the repairs at $480.00 so I tell them I will think about it and I leave with my truck.

Long story short we went car shopping, I have decided that I need a car, no longer will I ride high above the masses looking down upon them, So I brought this car home on a overnight test drive, I am happy with it, and all the money stuff is approved.

This car is 1/1 scale.

What is that? A Nissan? It almost look lise a Mercedes from the side. Almost. What is it?
That's like. Not lise. I'm like Gorthos with the typos.
Sorry, I should of stated in the entry, it is a 2005 Toyota Camry, it only has 21,500 Ks on it,
Excellent. Low KMs too. We like our Honda and Toyota. Had to omany probs with non-japanese cars over the years.
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