Friday, July 22, 2005
Mortar Team,

On top of my stereo stand I set up a little scene, a diorama if you will, and every month or so I rotate my troops through it, Here is this months little scene, two SS men operating a German 8cm mortar ( Granatwerfer 34 ) the loader is wearing a winter parka in field grey and the assistant is wearing a similar parka but with the Italian army camo scheme.
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The number one on that mortar isn't doing his job... he should be checking the sights to ensure his assistant doesn't knock the mortar off-target while loading a round in the barrel.
Also, the number one gives the order to fire... he shouldn't be cringing with his hands over his ears while his assistant holds the mortar round in the barrel. Even when the round is dropped to fire the mortar, both men would have plenty of time to cover their ears and cringe... mortars don't insta-fire. The number one should keep one hand on the barrel, near its base, at all times... otherwise they might not notice a misfire (or delayed fire) and load a second round before the first has fired! It seems silly, but when you have 4 or more mortars in a line it is possible to make that mistake.
Another thing that seems a bit silly... no 81mm mortar crew would have slung weapons and ammo pouches like that... they would not be able to shift the mortar quickly enough with all that crap. Rifles and ammo pouches would probably be close, perhaps leaning against sandbags or across some boxes.
(It is a little hard to see in the photo, it is possible the number one position is on the otherside of the mortar... but that doesn't negate any of my comments.)
Other than the minor positioning errors it is a great setup!
Also, the number one gives the order to fire... he shouldn't be cringing with his hands over his ears while his assistant holds the mortar round in the barrel. Even when the round is dropped to fire the mortar, both men would have plenty of time to cover their ears and cringe... mortars don't insta-fire. The number one should keep one hand on the barrel, near its base, at all times... otherwise they might not notice a misfire (or delayed fire) and load a second round before the first has fired! It seems silly, but when you have 4 or more mortars in a line it is possible to make that mistake.
Another thing that seems a bit silly... no 81mm mortar crew would have slung weapons and ammo pouches like that... they would not be able to shift the mortar quickly enough with all that crap. Rifles and ammo pouches would probably be close, perhaps leaning against sandbags or across some boxes.
(It is a little hard to see in the photo, it is possible the number one position is on the otherside of the mortar... but that doesn't negate any of my comments.)
Other than the minor positioning errors it is a great setup!
Are we for real looking at pictures of dolls in combat? Holy crap Stephen had a lot to say about that! Because I am Gortho's friend, I will try to learn something from all of this...
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